Phishing mails verstuurd naar .com domeinnaam houders

  • Vrijdag, 6e November, 2015
  • 08:49s'morgens
Momenteel worden er e-mail verstuurd naar WHOIS contacten die een .com domeinnaam in bezit hebben,

het gaat hierbij om SPAM en heeft niets te maken met:    ICANN , of  Hostingwalk of partners/leveranciers van Hostingwalk.

Voorbeeld van phishing mails:
The Domain Name XXXXXX.XXX have been suspended for violation of the [Registrar] Abuse Policy.

Multiple warnings were sent by [Registrar[ Spam and Abuse Department to give you an opportunity to address the complaints we have received.

We did not receive a reply from you to these email warnings so we then attempted to contact you via telephone. We had no choice but to suspend your domain name when you did not respond to our attempts to contact you.

Click here and download a copy of complaints we have received. Please contact us for additional information regarding this notification.

Wij adviseren de mail per direct te verwijderen, de links in de mail die verwijzen naar verschillende websites die voornamelijk Windows virussen/trojans facaliteren.
Mocht u vragen hebben kunt u contact opnemen met
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